Our capital city, Industry Haven, has many and varied amenities, services, entertainment options, a casino, military base, and thousands upon thousands of jobs. And yet, the city I call home is stagnating. That's right, Industry Haven is stuck in a rut, and it's all due to the fact that city leaders are too conservative. One prime example of this stagnation is Industry Haven's failure to capitalize on a great resource: The Ottawa Basin.
I know Mayor Vladimir Putin doesn't like criticism of the government, but something needs to be said. I love Industry Haven as much as any of its 250,000 citizens. But having lived here for so long, I also know that more needs to be done. I travel around Midlandia and other regions often for my career, and so, unlike many Midlandia Sims, I feel like I have a perspective that is unique. And what I've been seeing is cities taking advantage of waterways-building marinas, seaports, cruise lines, beaches and more. These cities, including two of Industry Haven's neighbors, Eldorado Hills and Constance Hill, have learned that in order to grow, a city must make full use of its water resources.
Industry Haven, on the other hand, has done absolutely nothing with its water resources.
Now, I will grant you, IH does not have the same amount of water access as other Midlandia cities. In several ways, it is landlocked, bordered by suburbs that have nearly full control of the seas of Midlandia. But that is a bit of an excuse--other Midlandia cities have zero access to waterways, including Eyes of Gohma, to name one example. Industry Haven, though, does have the Ottawa Basin, a clean, pristine, self-contained area of water that, administratively, belongs solely to IH.
It's an open secret that the government of IH is frustrated at the lack of growth in the city, as it does its best to stay competitive against its rapidly-growing competitors in the Triforce Area and other parts of Midlandia.
I know Mayor Putin will go to many lengths to win in that contest--riding bears shirtless in the woods, flying with cranes in the skies above Midlandia, rigging elections in far-off regions. Nevertheless, the city council and Putin refuse to touch the Ottawa Basin. Why? This citizen wants to know.
Yes, we've all read the excuses. 'The land area will not support construction of a marina,' they say. 'A seaport will not fit in any location in the basin.' 'There's too much chance of damage to downtown Industry Haven if we terraform.' But this isn't fitting with the can-do spirit of the Industry Haven of old!
What happened to that city, the one that said, damn the rules, we're going to make a success out of this place no matter the odds! It's grown too meek, too conservative over the years. It's now a city where it takes months or even years of debate to even upgrade a road to an avenue, to build a couple of subway stations.
In other words, it's a city that lost its boldness, its drive.
We must get it back, if Industry Haven is to remain the leader in Midlandia.
Mayor Putin, I implore you, be strong! Crush your competitors under the bootheels of Industry Haven's might. Use every resource, every opportunity. For us, for Industry Haven.
Views expressed by contributors do not represent the opinions of the editors and staff of the Midlandia Gazette
Industry Haven Makes Traffic Improvements and Subway Stops
To alleviate the ongoing traffic congestion issues in southwest Industry Haven, the IH City Transit Authority has added two new subway stops, and completed construction on Entertainment Road, now called Entertainment Avenue.
The new subway stops, Teapot Dome Station, and Casino Station, should help reduce overcrowding at the Ft. Des Moines Stop and the Dogville Stop. Casino Station replaces the Wilsonoff Tennis Stop, which was demolished to accommodate the upgrade to Entertainment Avenue.
"We appreciate the patience of the public while we made this tremendous upgrade to one of our main thoroughfares," IHCTA spokeswoman Miranda Aphex said in a press release on the upgrades. "The benefits to reducing congestion will benefit everyone in Industry Haven and Constance Hill," Aphex said.
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