Working in collaboration with neighbor Mayor Tutorial, which provides most of Lazy Isles tourist Simoleons, the two cities created Midlandia's third luxury cruise line, Endeavour Cruises. Mayor Boyd was thrilled to discuss the newest cruise ship in the area, the SS Tempest.
"Midlandians from all over will flock to our cruise line, featuring the biggest and most luxurious ship around. And they'll bring all their money to improve things for the average Lazy Islander," Boyd said.
Lazy Islanders would perhaps be nonplussed by the more ostentatious displays of the city's growth, were it not combined with steady progress in terms of education and policing, issues that were high on the list of needs in recent polls.
"I could care less about the hoity-toity luxury barges," Porsche Jones said when asked about the changes. "I want the graffiti cleaned off my apartment building. I want the sidewalks cleaned and the street lights working. But I must admit, we're doing much better. It's keeping me here, I was considering moving," Jones said.
One major limiter to Lazy Isles growth is the lack of real estate. Mayor Boyd's strategy has been to reduce, rather than add to, city development, seemingly a bad idea, but he explained his plan to the Gazette recently.
"It's not so much about covering every square meter with development--that leads to a crowded, dirty, congested feel to most residents. So by trimming back strategically on the development, and replacing some of that with open space and trees, Lazy Islanders feel more like this is a quiet, comfortable homefront," Boyd said.
Jones seemed to agree with the new strategy. "I stepped out of my 2-story brick house this morning, and I saw the sun rising over the new maples down Zelda III Avenue. It's the first time in a long time that I felt like I really lived on an island, and appreciated what I have," Jones said. "Really, it's pretty great to be here."